
June 4, 2013

To begin my trip I will be taking a flight from Minneapolis to Madrid Spain on Sat. June 8th 3:55 pm-Sun. June 9th 10:55 pm. On arriving in Madrid I will go immediately to the Axor Peria Hotel about 4km from the airport where I will spend three nights in Madrid. My plan is to visit La Reina Sofia Museum, Thyssen –Borenernisza, the Royal palace and some fun local restaurants like  the Las Bravas de Tapas and the San Ginés for some sweet chocolate and churros. From Madrid I will take a train to Salamanca where I will be staying with some friends (Scott and Julie Fulks) from my church Eden Baptist who became church planters in Spain. While I visit them I plan to visit some of the oldest cites in the city starting with the Roman Bridge, and the University of Salamanca.  In Salamanca I also will visit the Plaza Mayor where I will go shopping with Julie.  After almost two days in Salamanca I plan to take a plane to Lisbon, Portugal where I’ll spend the rest of my trip touring one of the oldest cities in Western Europe as well as relaxing on the beaches until Monday when I return home.

I am so excited this is going to be a great experience; the culture, the history, it’ll be so weird. I’m really looking forward to the different atmosphere. A place where old men and women sit at parks and talk with one another and where large crowds gather at markets bustling around to see what each vender has to sell. I’m excited to see sidewalks full of bikers and friendly people and open cafes where chatter floats from underneath little umbrellas a way through the happy city of Madrid or Salamanca. I love the wooden beads and carvings found in the colorful, crowded shops, or the leather purses and belts.  Or better yet the small cafes with long airy churros and rich chocolaty truffles! I must walk as much as possible so I can see the cities. Then I can meet people and peek through the well-dressed windows of little shops and see their trinkets and gadgets set out for show.

I feel like there’s still so much to do for this to actually work, but it’ll come together… hopefully. Well I better go finish packing for this trip. If I am really going on an adventure I better be prepared.  I found a helpful website for packing: One more thing I can’t forget to pack a Spanish Dictionary.  Even if mom made me take all those Spanish classes there’s no way I can survive without it. I’m so excited!  I’ve never traveled out of state; well, except for Canada but that doesn’t count. Anyways, four more days, Spain here I come!


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